I read a post the other day on Julie DeNeen's blog that had me nodding my head over and over in agreement. In this post Julie lists "23 Terrible Social Media Habits You Might Not Realize You're Doing". I'm not going to sit here and repeat her list but it is well worth checking out so click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph to see how many you agree with and how many you're guilty of.
One point that she makes is that bad habits, unfortunately, spread as easily (if not more) than good habits. Like when one person puts half a dozen hashtags on their post so the next person not only copies them but feels compelled to top them. This is a self-perpetuating bad habit that has become a fad. Personally I get annoyed when I see more than one.
She asked her readers to go to Twitter, Google+ or Facebook and tell her what annoys them on social media using the (ONE!) hashtag #socialmediasmackdown. Please feel free to join in!
Here is my response:
@jdeneen4 I hate when people use internet anonymity as an excuse to be nasty/rude. #socialmediasmackdown
— Kat M (@kathym425) March 30, 2014
Over and over again, I am amazed at the things people say to each other on the internet. People call each other names, insult each other's intelligence and criticize each other's looks/parenting skills/ opinions. People hiding behind made-up names with pictures that are not their own say things to others that they would never dream of saying to their faces. Somehow, the fact that those who they are being cruel/rude to are "out there somewhere" makes it okay.
Unfortunately, the internet is the ideal venue for bullies of all ages. I have even caught myself starting to type things that shock me. It can be too easy to step over the line when you are secure in your own home talking to a screen, forgetting that it's a human being who will be reading it. I've taught myself to always re-read everything that I type before I click "enter". I ask myself, "is this something I would say to that person's face?" and, if the answer is no, I re-do it until it does sound like the real me. Have I ever ended up typing something that I did regret? Yes, because I am human and so very imperfect but at least I do make a supreme effort to be somebody whose face/name others are happy to see.
None of this means that I think the internet should be a rose garden where everybody agrees with everybody else and life is all sunshine and rainbows. It's perfectly okay to disagree with one another and to express that disagreement. This is how we learn and grow as people. If only more people stopped to breathe and re-read their words before posting their opinions…..
Thankfully, the majority of people are pretty decent and keep blogging and other social media activities a great experience. When I do run into those who don't, I just hit "unfollow".