Friday, May 2, 2014

Finish the Sentence Friday - #7

I have absolutely no interest in…….

….. drama!

There are some people who aren’t happy if there isn’t some form of drama in their lives.  We all have at least one of these people in our lives.  You know the ones; they are always on the “outs” with at least one person, always have something to complain about and never fail to regale you with tales of how some friend/family member/coworker/the world is trying to bring them down.

Their relationships tend to be fraught with tears and arguments.  They can be high-strung.  Conversations with them tend to be punctuated with a lot of “OMG, I can’t believe he/she…..(fill in the blank)”.   Overuse of exclamation marks in emails and texts is a warning sign too.   EVERYTHING they say is so important!!!!!

For the most part, I try to limit my time with those people because they tend to raise my blood pressure but also because it is so damned easy to get sucked into their drama vortex.  It’s especially hard when it’s someone you genuinely care about.  When they tell you about how so-an-so bad mouthed them or gave them attitude, you want to stand up and defend them.  When you hear about their financial woes, you want to loan them some money to get by on.

Thankfully, most of us who are now in our forties have learned some valuable lessons by now.  I’ve learned how to think critically and wonder what the other side of the story is before I give too much sympathy or let myself get swept up in the drama. 

At least most of the time…..

There are those who can still sweep me up in their drama if they try hard enough.  People who have been in my life a long time.  People I care about.  I realized this recently when having dinner with someone I hadn’t spent much time with in a while.  Sadly, it didn’t take too much for my buttons to be hit in just the right way and there I was asking questions and letting my emotions run with it.

No matter how much any of us don’t like drama, even the most level-headed of us can get caught up in it.  I think that it’s just part of being human and, therefore, imperfect.  Remember, back in January, I said that my word of the year is “imperfection”; as in accepting my own imperfection?  Well, I won’t beat myself up for letting myself get swept up in other people’s drama once in a while.  I’ll just do my best to not start it myself.    Not a bad compromise really.

Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic



  1. You totally sound like my husband and he says this pretty much all the time, except he became the father to two little girls, who will eventually be teenagers with tons of drama. So, I think we aren't going to truly escape the drama here, but if we are lucky hopefully it will be minimal!! Thanks for linking with us again and have a great weekend now!! :)

    1. Your poor husband just isn't going to know what to do in about 10 years, lol! I'm in the teen years now with my daughter and, so far, it's not too bad (knock on wood!!).

  2. I am with ya on this, Kathy.

    I can't stand artificial people and their oomphs.

    have a lovely weekend :)

  3. Amen! I couldn't agree more. I have a friend, who I love, that is all drama, all the time. It's exhausting. I periodically have to take long breaks (with out her knowing). Have you ever noticed that those who love drama, are rarely interested in your "drama?"

    1. It's so true! Thankfully, I'm pretty well grounded but do have true friends who are willing to listen what little drama does come out of me.

  4. Agree!

    I'm on a military base and there seems to be drama everywhere. Drives me crazy!

    1. And when you live in a contained community like that, it's hard to escape it. You must practice your "deep breathing" a lot!

  5. I also agree! Drama is not something that I look for in my life. Wonderful post!
    My FTSF post is at…th-habits-ftsf

    1. Yep, there are enough day-to-day things to stress us out, we don't need to create more.

  6. Not starting it yourself is big. I try to not start drama either. My step-daughter lived with us throughout highschool and that was enough drama (oh the woes of teenaged girls!!) to last me for my whole life.

    1. Thankfully my teen girl is pretty low-key but she's still only thirteen. My fingers (and toes) are crossed!

  7. Love the phrase "drama vortex" I would steal it from you but the only way I like drama is on my television shows or in the cliffhanger of a really suspenseful book! So I will allow you to keep the phrase, I hope that I never have the opportunity to use it!!! (Oh crap, I use lots of exclamation points!)

    1. Careful, those exclamation points are addictive, lol!

      May you never have need of that phrase but, if you do, you are totally welcome to it ;)

  8. I totally hear you there! I hate drama. I have a few people in my life that I can't avoid that bring in the drama. I just do my best to ignore them when they are like that.

    PS Thanks for adding me to your blogs you enjoy. I enjoy yours as well!!

    1. It's hard to maintain detachment from them when they are in your face like that. You just have to try your best to take what's being thrown at you with a grain of salt.

      PS You're welcome! I don't get over as much as I'd like (must earn a living!) but I'm glad that I found you.

  9. I came this close to doing my FTSF post on how I have no time for the drama queens. (But of course opted for the delightful story of the time my son caused an immediate evacuation and disinfection of a McDonald's ball room ...) I find they suck the life out of me. I cannot be around them - plain and simple. Once I see that dark cloud that hangs permanently over their gloomy headsapproaching I turn about and zip in the other direction. Nice to meet another kindred spirit in you Kathy.

    1. I guess it's true that great minds think alike ;) Nice to meet you too!

      I'm going to have to check your post out now; I'm intrigued…..
