Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My favourite hour

November 13th prompt for the NaBloPoMo challenge – What is your favourite hour of the day? 

Well, there are two answers to this – one for the weekdays and one for the weekends. 

On the weekdays, my favourite time is the bus ride home from work.  During this time, I get to shed the thoughts and stress of the workday so that I can arrive home ready to give my attention to my kids or myself depending on the week.   

I spend that time reading, listening to music, playing on my phone or sometimes even just sitting back with my eyes closed daydreaming.  There are three different busses that I can take from the metro to get home so I can always choose the one that lets me have a seat.   

It is my transition period between the “work me” and the “home me” 

On the weekends, my favourite time is first thing in the morning.  I have never really been a morning person but I have come to appreciate that quiet time when I can just sit back in my housecoat with my cup of tea.  Now that my kids are both teens, they tend to sleep in a bit more so it is truly “alone” time for me.  I can drink my tea and play my Facebook games without talking to anybody since I’m usually not ready to talk until I’ve started my second cup.

This is my peaceful time when I can gather my thoughts on the week and get myself centered.




  1. I havent ridden a bus in ages. But that is good that it is a nice experience for you when you do.
    And that alone time in the morning....must be almost like heaven!

    1. It is definitely heaven! Such a change from when the kids would be up at the crack of dawn :)
