Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Love List

I recently received my February issue of More magazine*. Being the February issue it, of course, featured plenty of stories about love in all of its facets. One of the things that has stayed with me was the letter-from-the-editor, Linda Lewis.

She noted that stopping to remember the things/people we love can be a natural boost when our spirits are low. She and I are both on the same page in feeling that a "gratitude journal" can be a bit too "touchy-feely" (her words, but a good description) and just not something that I could get into. Linda shared her love-list with us and asked her readers to shared theirs with her. I realized that it would make a great blog post so I stopped to think about my loves. Here's my bit of sharing for today:

Apple crisp served warm on a cold day

Big Bang Theory - Bazinga!!

Cats, all cats

Doing crosswords

Eating with friends

Finding forgotten money in pockets (woo hoo!)

Green......well, green anything

Hot showers



Kids - a certain pair who are 10 and 12 years old

Lord of the Rings - books and movies


National Geographic Channel

Ogling hot young guys on Crescent Street

Popping bubble wrap (c'mon, you never get too old for that!)

Quiet Sundays

Reading books, magazines, newspapers...... really anything with words in it.

Singing to my tunes


Unexpected compliments


Warm blankets

X's and O's (xoxo)


Zzzzzzzz.....a good snooze


*I was not paid or otherwise induced by the magazine to write this. I do like this magazine and would recommend checking it out (


  1. It's a good list. I definitely agree with hot showers, kiddos and I love the Nat Geo channel too. I'd include a Sunday afternoon nap, zoning off with my headphones on listening to music, nature walks, alone time spent with the hubs, fresh clean sheets, the smell of vanilla, listening to the whrrrr of the sewing machine when I'm making something...ok I'd better quit, I could probably go on and on. :)

  2. Thanks Janessa! There are bad days when nothing seems good but, when you stop to take a breath, the list of "little things" can truly go on forever if we let it......thank goodness :)

  3. Yup, finding forgotten money in my pocket would be at the top of my list too. Oh, and good for you for having tweeting as one of your "loves," i so wish I understood the whole concept. I suck. My tweets are always like, "Ok, I need a nap, does that make me an infant?"
    This post was inspiring.

  4. Thanks Sandra! I have to admit that a lot of my tweets are kind of mundane but I love the interaction with other moms and dads and have a lot of great laughs.
